
As you begin to get more and more comfortable with Tracker, a large number of invoices, and data, will begin to accumulate within your system. Eventually, this will start to bog Tracker down to the point where it will run noticeably slower. This is where the archiving process comes into play.

Effectively, archiving will move your paid data items/ paid invoices to a storage area. This will speed Tracker up as it will no longer need to search through all of the data you no longer need on hand.

Specifically, archiving will close any paid tow invoices, close any paid payables, and transfer current expenses into accounts payable.

Performing the Archive

Archiving is a process that deals with a large amount of your data. It is vital that each of the following steps are taken in order. Additionally, it is highly advised that you perform the archive directly on your Tracker server.

First, have everyone that is currently using Tracker log out of it. This can be done with the red Exit button on the main menu. Be aware that if your place of business uses TrackerMobile, you will need to have each of your drivers log out from the application as well.

Second, locate your primary Tracker folder on the server, and perform a full backup of your data. You can utilize your own backup utility for this process or refer to our own backup service. Backing up your data is incredibly important to do before you perform an archive as it ensures that your data will retain its integrity.

Third, log into Tracker while on your server. Then, from the main menu, navigate to Activities -> Accounting -> Archive Paid Data Items.

The Archive Paid Data Items window will appear, as seen below.

Fourth, determine what date you would like the archive to be performed for. Specifically, the date you enter in on this screen determines the cut off point for when the process will stop archiving. So, once you choose a date, and perform the archive, all invoices and records prior to, but not including this date will be archive. Once you have entered your date, click on the Process button, and allow the archive to finish.

Where can I see my Archived Data?

After you perform an archive, invoices, and reporting data will no longer be available through regular means. Instead, you can recall archived invoices by navigating to the Activities -> Invoices -> History option, as seen below.

Additionally, you can run most reports on archived invoices from the Reports -> Sales History option, as seen below.

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